First Beach Walk Of The Year

Saturday, January 16, 2016

It's not very often I go out to the beach, which is quite weird if I come to think of it. I live a five to ten minute drive by two or three beaches but I just never get out of the house often enough to walk on them.

But this year I promised it would be different.

Instead of twiddling my thumbs, sitting at my desk worrying about life I made a promise that I'll make more of an effort to experience life outside the four walls of my bedroom and my desk. And I don't mean just sitting downstairs in the living room, snacking on random chocolate I find laying about in the fridge.

I want to experience more around me. I want to live in the moment instead of doing what I always do: worrying about the future and getting anxious over the smallest thing. That's why at the start of this year, I've started a new daily routine (minus the weekends: a girl has got to have a lie-in sometime!) where I get up at a reasonable enough time and I do stuff that I would usually just put aside and fret over for days on an end. Usually I avoid things in fear of them triggering my anxiety: going outside was definitely near the top of this list.

So yesterday, I went to a local beach with my parents and my twin sister. We didn't walk too far along it as I hadn't stretched my legs for quite sometime so we decided we'd start off small and have a short walk along the beach at first.

When we got to Par beach, it wasn't too cold. The wind was behind us and the sky was blue with the sun hanging low. There were quite a few people with their dogs.

Even with the dogs on the beach, it was relatively quiet and we walked along the shoreline where we found two random tyres. My mum pushed the smallest one into the water and it ended up floating perfectly in alignment with the sun reflecting on the sea, so I took the opportunity to take a snap before the moment was gone!


Once we got to a certain point, we noticed that the tide was starting to come back in so we decided to head back. But this time the wind was in our faces and safe to say: it was not pleasant. Sand blew up into my face and my fingers were starting to get seriously cold. By the time we got back to the car, I couldn't feel my hands because they were so numb and blue. Thankfully, Dad turned the heating up full blast and they soon thawed back to normal!


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